Dying Spire

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A massive black pillar in the sky, it can be seen all the way across the sea

The Dying Spire is a massive pillar in the sky that emerged when the dark invaders began their invasion.

Not much is known about the tower's interior, but expeditions have proven the exterior is made of a substance that is similar to obsidian. In addition, there is a large amount of dark magical energy emanating from the structure, so much that it needs to release. Not much is known about these, but it seems that strange happenings occur for up to a month after release. These releases seem to happen randomly and are few and far between, one of the Forsaken Order's duties is to monitor these releases and send word to the nearby governments of such a happening.

It is also thought that this tower spawned the Drow and the Orcs, with the only noted sighting of these creatures coming after the emergence of the spire.